Monday, May 16, 2011

the skin type solution : dr leslie baumann.

lepas selesai amik questionnare, i found out that my skin type is :


Oily, sensitive, pigmented and “tight” (non-wrinkled) skin is characterized by acne breakouts or facial redness and flushing, or frequent skin rashes and irritation. These inflammatory problems are often followed by darkening of the skin in the areas of the pimples or skin irritation. Dark patches such as melasma and freckles often occur. This skin type has a lower tendency to wrinkle than other types because of increased skin pigmentation that protects the skin from aging and/or because of good lifestyle habits such as avoiding sun exposure and cigarette smoking. Recommended skin care products should contain sunscreen, retinoids, depigmenting ingredients, and anti-inflammatory ingredients.

mia : 8 bulan

Mia dah start merangkak dengan jayanya..

and mia also dah tumbuh 1 gigi at 3hb mei 2011...
belah bawah,kanan of front teeth..

tp ibu xde masa nk update blog ibu ni..
wondering...cemna all mamas out there can citer every details in blog?
how the keep it up?

i cant...