ade org tnya..
"how i survive being a single mom raising 2kids alone..?"
i am happily my husband staying away from us. kids staying with me..
the eldest is now 6years old - kindergarden
baby is 3yeara old - send to babysitter
ohw..not to mention, umah i tingkat 4..
i am not a supermom!
i cant do a lot of things alone
i love my hubby and kids
but i am a survivor.
most mummy did.
Masa we decide to have another baby, i dah tau ape yg i akan lalui.
My hubby mmg confirm xkan dapat raise anak2 together. xde chance..
i faham..and i think i am ready
So me lalui 9bulan pregnant alone wth my eldest angel..Mia
Luckily hubby dah pindah felda tembangau masa dapat lah balik stp weekend.
tp weekdays i am all alone..
tipu lah kalau xrasa Mia and baby mmg bg i semangat lain mcm..
So we all survived...tahun ke 6 dah kot..