Tuesday, March 29, 2011

i wish...

Pagi tadi while i am driving to office, i keep thinking about one thing...
yup...only one thing yang akan di fikir2kan tnpa henti...

Alangkah best nya kalau dapat hidup sama hubby and baby.
Living like one family.
in one house.
at one place.

Doing things that i like to do at anytime..
choosing things that i like to choose..
make my own decisions..
decorate my own house like how i want it to be..

this year...i am 29 year old. So sad i still cant have my own privacy life.
and each time i think about this...i feel like i wanna blame my hubby..

is it fair?

today i am so depress, i just can produse 6oz in one session...mencik!

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